List of characters:
Old Man
Old Man’s Wife
Son’s mom
Daughter-in-law’s mom
Daughter-in-law’s dad
Old Man and his wife rescued Son from his depression, no job, apartment in disarray. They spent the day cleaning his apartment so that he could get his deposit, then invited him to live with them. After a year, and finding a good paying job, the Son successfully ‘flew the coup”.
Old Man, his wife, and wife’s mom at the Wedding Reception were seated at the last table next to the kitchen. One would think that a generous monetary wedding gift would rate a better seating, at least a seating for the honor of being parents.
Also at the Wedding Reception party, Son's mother-in-law confronted Son's Uncle, saying "What are you doing here? You were not invited. Please leave." After the Son's Uncle gave a $200 gift. How low can a person go?
“Well Old Man, you have a business degree so you must know about Amortization Tables”. said Daughter-in-law’s mom sarcastically.
The Visitor Baton was passed between the two friends of Daughter-in-law “ok, it’s my turn” as this game went on for quite a while as they waited to see mother and child. Daughter-in-law mom sat there and watched this charade.
With their newly purchased house, they came over to help clean and were completely shunned by daughter-in-law mom, her husband, and all of their friends.
They pulled into the driveway for the diner invitation, and as they walked up the sidewalk, they noticed daughter-in-law mom and husband jump from their parked car to rush ahead of them saying nothing but giving a dirty look.
While sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, daughter-in-law mom sat there knitting, and when Old Man asked about her husband, she scornfully said “you know that my husband does not like hospitals!”
They attended the baby’s baptism and were motioned to sit with family, but were shunned by daughter-in-law mom since they took her seat. “Well Old Man, since you’re in my spot, heres my camera, you’re in charge of taking pictures…”
As Old Man stood in her driveway smoking his cigarette, daughter-in-law drove up, got out of her car, and while approaching Old Man he gave congratulations on the Baptism. She gave the Old Man smart aleck remark “Piff”.
The Old Man and his wife gave his son their three year old refrigerator, which they gladly accepted for use in the garage. After a bitter winter's use, the moister tubes in the refrigerator busted. The daughter-in-law's dad claimed that the Old Man gave away a bum refrigerator.
Old Man’s wife to Daughter-in-law: maybe your husbands mom could take care of your child while you work. Daughter-in-law responded: “i don’t want that fuc**** cripple taking care of my child.” as her husband sat in chair saying nothing.
They heard that the baby was sick, throwing up, fever. Old Man’s wife, RN, talked on the telephone to recommended pedialyte, and absolutely no milk. Daughter-in-law mom interceded and said to give the baby lots of milk.
Old Man’s wife’s mom died and Son did not acknowledge even though she loved him like a grandchild.
Old Man and his wife were not notified of the birth of their second grandchild of Son. Heard about it thru the grape vine a week later.
The Old Man and his wife agreed that obviously one can’t choose family, but what’s the excuse for disrespect bordering on hatred?