Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Nature of Communication

Ancient scholars deduced that language is symbolic, metaphorical to reason and understanding for the individuals’ thought process. Symbolism language is powerful.

Hieroglyphics were the early form of writing, communication used in Ancient Egypt and the Anatolian Hittites dating back to the Bronze Age 12 century BCE, a combination of logographic symbols. Much like the Emoji of today.

But the timeline of most of History shows that most people were illiterate, could not read or write even up through the Middle Ages. They depended on Oral Tradition, a form of human communication wherein knowledge, art, ideas and culture was received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another.  The transmission was through speech or song including folktales, ballads, chants, or prose and poetry.

Part of Human Existence, is Oral Tradition before written language. One can hypothesize religion was founded upon explaining the unexplainable, giving reasons to fractured happenings before scientific knowledge gave birth. Homer’s Odyssey reveals Human Nature.  ‘Achilles' heel myth for example.

Greek Mythology, when Achilles was an infant, it was foretold he would perish at a young age. Preventing his death, his mother Thetis took Achilles to the River Styx which folklore supposed to offer powers of invulnerability. She dipped his body into the river water but, because she held him by his heel, it was not touched by the water of the river.

One can see, for example, the Pictures displayed as Art throughout the walls and ceilings of Hagia Sophia, built 360 CE, telling the story of Christianity, a method of Oral Tradition.

In 1454 Gutenberg took the task of the laboring Scribes and put the mass media in motion. The printing press innovation put the written word to the masses, inspired the ‘read’.

Over centuries, Scribes upon Scribes, upon more Scribes rewriting lead to distortions in meaning. Imagine ancient script with no spaces/punctuation.

Charlemagne, 8th century, gave us Carolingian ‘miniscule’, Upper Lower cases, spaces between words, punctuation, and even Cursive Writing. 

Consider the importance of these  innovations, since the Ancient Scribes had this to deal with: allofthesechangesmadeitmucheasiertoreadtheyeliminatedthesourcesofmanyscribalerrors

Add to the Insanity with the Bible having many contradictions because of the Scribes’ distortions over centuries. Maybe one Scribe had a ‘Bad Day’ with his wife and relegated her to “Sit Down & Be Quiet” 1 Timothy 2:12: “I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.”

“I learned a very important lesson that night. People believe whatever they read. Something magical happens once it’s put down on paper. They figure no one would have gone through the trouble if it wasn’t the truth.  Responsibility was my new watchman.” Eugene Morris Jerome - Niel Simon’s Biloxi Blues

“Nature of Reality in the conscious mind is thru Stories.”- Deepak Chopra

Corporate Media controls the Stories. Therein Lies the Problem.

One could hypothesize, that ‘Social Media’ is the New “Ancient Oral Tradition”

since Journalism is DOA and Corporate Media is Infotainment.

One must realize Corporate Media Mainstream Media is owned by 5 corporations and is not only the filter, but the interpreter of HAPPENINGS.  An Unchallenged Lie perpetuates same. 

The Word “News” connotes Journalism, and one would expect a standard like a placard outside an office “Lawyer” or “CPA”.  Corp Media MSM replaced Journalism with ‘INFOTAINMENT’.

A savior of our communicated thoughts revolves around Lucius Seneca 4 BCE - 65 CE, Roman Philosopher, Stoicism: “You can’t control the situation, but you can control your reaction to it.”  

A Wider Window To Life

 We’re all born to this world with individual wonderment of the same universe. And, sharing gives life to that wonderment. Human nature is revealed on the face of an innocent child where love comes first, shown with a smile. Life is an individual journey.

“The Nature of Reality in the Conscious Mind is thru Stories.“ said Deepak Chopra.

What better excitement of your finding the beautiful flower, smelling it’s unique aroma, adding to the joy by telling a friend who delights in your story?

A fundamental question of Life’s Journey, when and where is the line drawn on the depth of Parenthood?  I find it difficult to share life with adult children who are distant. The sharing of life’s wonderment goes beyond a calendar, or sharing food recipes.

As parents we went through the stage in life and had the ‘Baby Thing’.  Our children grew up, but as adults they decided to be distant. That’s their choice.  We did the ‘Baby Thing’ by raising our children with love and a bundle of care.

The gateway to happiness is held in the hands of Humanity with the Key of Love. Let Love keep us at the top of this tapestry of humanity.

I find wonderment in life with the love of animals.  Watching the little creatures keeps life simple. Sniff, look, feel, hear, taste, all reminded about what’s important, and gives us a wider window to life.  

What motivates us? Remember, life is an individual journey. Some grow up with a competitive effort to conquer the same universe that they were born to, and cleave to greed.  

Reminded that greed is the seed for all kinds of Evil.  Greed reaches its limit when the fate of Humanity is held in the clutch of a few or submissive to one.

“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.” - Tagore

 A reflection from a spoken Native American, which harmonizes with this theme of wonderment, saying their religion is not Faith Based but real. You can feel it, taste it, breathing the air, drinking clean water, seeing the sun, feeling and smelling  the earth, living plants and animals in harmony - living, loving, sharing.

“One is responsible for life: It is the small beacon in that terrifying darkness from which we come and to which we shall return.” - James Baldwin 

“We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations...Trust him and enjoy LIFE.  Life is just a journey! Live today!”- Charles Chaplin

We sit in awe of the wonderment of the miracles of Nature.

My wife Bobbi grows butterflies, from picking itsy bitsy caterpillars on dill from the backyard garden, placing them in a cage, feeding them dill / parsley until they’re big enough to form chrysalis. Then 7 to 10 days when they emerge as butterflies is a miracle.  

Further mystery is the time when the chrysalis stops evolving at Fall Equinox, waits through winter to then emerge in the Spring as Butterflies.   It’s Life’s Wonderment.

Creepy Cults And High Priests

What is the nature of a man who considers himself a Christian and High Priest of his family, relegating his wife to subordinate status? What kind of church does this man subscribe to? What drives a person to seek a life’s position other than equal, and more importantly, what is his message?

This man is not part of the main stream churches, although President Jimmy Carter left the Southern Baptist Church because of their failing to promote women as pastors of the church. Moreover, Jimmy Carter said that the leaders of the SBC choose to interpret the bible phrases that subjugate women rather than exalt women.

This defining oneself as High Priest is clearly a case of self-adulation! Where does one get support for his Priest Hood? The main-stream Christian churches do not support this sacrilege. He would have to search for a cult religion, where they twist the interpretation of scripture to meet their selfish ways.

A “Purity Ball” is an example of a cult. It is a sacrilege where the father swears an oath as High Priest of the family before god to protect his daughter’s virginity. Likewise, the daughter swears an oath to be faithful to her father and remain “Pure”.

The “Purity Ball” is sick, creepy, and a sacrilege thus violating Matthew 5:34 “But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne;” and James 5:12 “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.” The idea of “Purity” should be discussed in the privacy of the home and not put on public display with a cult ritual!

The New Testament clearly teaches that all believers regardless of gender, are joint heirs with Christ, and wives are not junior partners in the marriage. Men are not the High Priest and women are not subordinate. Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The High Priest uses the Bible as a tool to further his gain and justify his behavior using twisted scripture to get his way. He thinks that he holds the keys and locks out those who do not agree with him, and joins groups that think like him. Salvation is the tool that gives him the power to divide and shut out family members who do not worship his twisted scripture.  And we know where the Jews stand with his outspoken beliefs. 

The creepy cults focus on the “me” society rather than the “we” society. Therein lies a major conflict with the Bible: Matthew 25:45 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

The basis for their entire thinking revolves around 1st John 5:5 "only those who believe in Jesus are saved."

The High Priest believes that if you are rich, it must be because God loves you. If you are poor, it is of your own sinful doing. The High Priest singles out one or two needy people to help thus fulfilling Matthew 25 and not costing him too much money or effort, but still justifying his “me” society.

There are many back-yard, barn yard churches with their self-ordained ministers and cult church followers that the High Priest can seek out. The High Priest seeks out the cult church where he can join to influence and be an active part of the ministry, solidifying his High Priest knowledgeable status.

The High Priest’s thinking would not be complete without home schooling, which completes full circle the living in a closed world where he holds the keys. After all, the earth is 6,000 years old, dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark, and homosexuals are going to hell!

The religious intolerance of this group is repulsive, including their social behavior and lack of humanitarianism. 

 I believe in Dr. Kimball’s phrase from his course “Comparative Religion” regarding the similarities of the 5 basic religions, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, the “human capacity for self transcendence” transcends all religions. This religious creepy cult group is excluded!